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Spiritual Life


In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind ~ John 1:4

Spiritual Life

The Bible puts it this way: “What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul?” (Mark 8:36)

Character is important. The success you desire for your children has faith and spiritual growth at the core.

KinderKare International School regards the spiritual life of students as critically important. Through Biblical integration, we relate the day-to-day class topics/themes to Biblical teachings that students can easily relate to their everyday lives.  We do not indoctrinate non-Christian students into Christianity but endeavour to share universal disciplines.  Students are taught what it means to live a life of obedience, good character and morals.

  •     We begin each day with devotions in each classroom.
  •     Bible teachings are integrated into our subjects/topics.
  •     Chapel is held on Fridays between 7.30am to 8.30am.
  •     Faculty and administration gather every week for times of prayer.