I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth
~ 3 John 1:4
Our team of experienced and caring teachers plan learning experiences that appeal to young children’s natural spontaneity and inquisitiveness.
The Early Years curriculum is taught through exciting and child-friendly themes.
We recognize that young children deepen their understanding by playing, talking, observing, questioning, experimenting, reflecting and responding to adults. At SIS we know that if children are happy and secure they will gain confidence and therefore will easily learn new concepts.
Teachers carefully engage and monitor the progress of each child to establish that tasks are well-matched to each individual’s ability and needs. Lessons are individualized to ensure that no child is left behind.
We firmly believe that the Foundation Stage provides the best possible start to education.
The EY program is delivered through the following subjects;
Teachers carefully monitor each child throughout the foundation stage to ensure progress is being made and that tasks are well matched to each individual’s ability and needs, as well as to inform teachers and parents of the next step towards achieving the Early Learning Goals.